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Rev Enferm UFPI ; 12(1): e3931, 2023-12-12. tab
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1526160


Objetivo: Analisar o efeito do consumo de diferentes fórmulas de café enriquecidas com cacau e canela sobre biomarcadores cardiovasculares, glicêmicos e antropométricos em mulheres hipertensas, durante 12 semanas. Métodos: Ensaio clínico randomizado duplo-cego, do tipo fatorial, a ser realizado em Unidades Básicas de Saúde, em uma cidade do interior do Ceará, com uma amostra de 90 pessoas. Os participantes elegíveis passarão por duas avaliações (antes e depois) para mensuração de biomarcadores cardiovasculares clínicos e laboratoriais, glicêmicos e antropométricos. A randomização será por estratos, de acordo com o estágio da hipertensão, e a alocação será por blocos. Os participantes serão orientados a tomar as fórmulas de café duas vezes ao dia (café da manhã e almoço), em concentrações de 10g (café), 5g (cacau) e 3g (canela), preparados com 50 mL de água quente. Para análise dos dados, será considerada a ANOVA de medidas repetidas (> 2 grupos), e em caso de associações estatisticamente significantes (P< 0,05), será realizada regressão linear. Com isso, pretende-se conhecer qual é a fórmula de café enriquecido mais eficaz para o controle e/ou redução de biomarcadores cardiológicos, glicêmicos e antropométrico. Descritores: Café; Cacau; Cinnamomum zeylanicum; Hipertensão; Estudo clínico

Objective: To analyze the effect of consuming different coffee formulas enriched with cocoa and cinnamon on cardiovascular, glycemic and anthropometric biomarkers in hypertensive women, during 12 weeks.Methods:Double-blind randomized clinical trial, of the factorial type, to be carried out in Basic Health Units, in a city in the interior of Ceará, with a sample of 90 people. Eligible participants will undergo two assessments (before and after) to measure clinical and laboratory cardiovascular, glycemic and anthropometric biomarkers. Randomization will be by strata, according to the stage of hypertension, and allocation will be by blocks. Participants will be instructed to drink coffee formulas twice a day (breakfast and lunch), in concentrations of 10g (coffee), 5g (cocoa) and 3g (cinnamon), prepared with 50 mL of hot water. For data analysis, repeated measures ANOVA (> 2 groups) will be considered, and in case of statistically significant associations (P< 0.05), linear regression will be performed. With this, it is intended to know which is the most effective fortified coffee formula for the control and/or reduction of cardiological, glycemic and anthropometric biomarkers. Descriptors: Coffee; Cacao; Cinnamomum zeylanicum; Hypertension; Clinical study

Cacao , Cinnamomum zeylanicum , Coffee , Clinical Study , Hypertension
Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 43: e262262, 2023. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1529218


As restrições impostas pela pandemia de covid-19 levaram os serviços de saúde a reorganizarem seu funcionamento, ajustando-se à modalidade remota. A transição repentina e sem o devido preparo técnico impôs desafios adicionais para usuários e profissionais. Para aprimorar as estratégias assistenciais, torna-se imprescindível dar voz aos usuários dos serviços, para que narrem suas experiências e possam manifestar suas facilidades e dificuldades com essa passagem. Este estudo tem como objetivo investigar como os principais cuidadores familiares de pessoas com transtornos alimentares vivenciaram a transição do grupo de apoio para o formato remoto e identificar vantagens e desvantagens percebidas nesse modelo. Estudo clínico-qualitativo, exploratório, realizado em um serviço de atendimento especializado de um hospital terciário. O cenário investigado foi o grupo de apoio psicológico aberto a familiares que, desde o início da pandemia de covid-19, passou a ser oferecido na modalidade online. Participaram do estudo cinco mães e três pais presentes em 13 sessões grupais consecutivas. Entrevistas individuais foram aplicadas com a Técnica do Incidente Crítico logo após o término de cada encontro grupal, totalizando 26 entrevistas audiogravadas, transcritas e submetidas à análise temática. A transição para o online foi vivenciada pelos participantes como um recurso válido para permitir que o grupo funcionasse em tempos de grave crise sanitária. Como vantagens, foram mencionadas: a continuidade do cuidado, maior acessibilidade e facilidade em relação à logística da participação. Como limitações do formato online, foram destacadas: nem todos os familiares contam com conexão de internet de qualidade e possível dificuldade para manusear a tecnologia digital. Apesar dos desafios impostos pela súbita mudança para a modalidade online, na perspectiva dos usuários do serviço os esforços de adaptação foram bem-sucedidos, possibilitando a continuidade do cuidado à saúde mental.(AU)

The constraints imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic led health services to reorganize their operation, adjusting to the online modality. The sudden and unprepared technical transition has imposed additional challenges for both users and professionals. To improve care strategies, it is essential to give voice to services users, so that they can narrate their experiences and express their facilities and difficulties with this transition. This study aims to investigate how main family caregivers of people with eating disorders experienced the transition of the support group to the remote modality and to identify perceived advantages and disadvantages in this model. This is a clinical-qualitative, exploratory study carried out in a specialized care service of a tertiary hospital. The investigated setting was the psychological support group open to family members, which since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic has been offered online. Five mothers and three fathers who attended 13 consecutive group sessions participated in the study. Individual interviews were carried out with the Critical Incident Technique shortly after the end of each group meeting with all members, totaling 26 audio-recorded interviews. Data were subjected to thematic analysis. Transition was experienced as a valid resource to maintain the group active in times of a severe health crisis. As advantages of the remote modality were mentioned: continuity of care, greater accessibility, and ease in relation to the logistics of participation. As limitations of the online format were highlighted: not everyone has a good-quality connection to the internet, and difficulty in handling the digital technology. Despite the challenges imposed by the sudden shift to the online modality, from the service users' perspective the adaptation efforts were successful, enabling continuity of mental health care.(AU)

Las limitaciones que impuso la pandemia de la COVID-19 llevaron a los servicios sanitarios a reorganizar su funcionamiento adaptándose a la modalidad remota. El súbito cambio y sin la preparación técnica adecuada implicó retos adicionales a los usuarios y profesionales. Para mejorar las estrategias de atención es fundamental dar voz a los usuarios de los servicios, para que puedan narrar sus experiencias y expresar sus facilidades y dificultades con esta transición. Este estudio pretende investigar cómo han vivido los cuidadores de personas con trastornos alimentarios la transición del grupo de apoyo presencial al formato remoto e identificar las ventajas y desventajas percibidas en este modelo. Se trata de un estudio clínicocualitativo, exploratorio. El escenario investigado fue el grupo de apoyo psicológico abierto a los familiares en la modalidad en línea. Cinco madres y tres padres participaron en 13 sesiones de grupo consecutivas. Se realizaron entrevistas individuales con la técnica de incidentes críticos inmediatamente después de cada reunión del grupo, con un total de 26 entrevistas grabadas en audio, transcritas y sometidas a análisis temático. La transición a la red fue experimentada como un recurso válido para permitir que el grupo funcione en tiempos de crisis sanitaria grave. Las ventajas de la modalidad remota fueron conexión segura en tiempos de confinamiento físico, continuidad, mayor accesibilidad y facilidad en relación con la logística de la participación. Las limitaciones del formato en línea fueron la falta de una conexión de calidad a Internet y la posible dificultad de manejo de la tecnología digital. A pesar de las dificultades impuestas por el cambio repentino a la modalidad en línea, desde la perspectiva de los usuarios del servicio los esfuerzos de adaptación fueron un éxito, lo que permitió seguir con la atención de salud mental.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Parents , Self-Help Groups , Feeding and Eating Disorders , Caregivers , COVID-19 , Anxiety , Patient Care Team , Patients , Psychology , Psychopathology , Quality of Life , Rejection, Psychology , Respiratory Tract Infections , Self-Assessment , Self Concept , Social Isolation , Social Support , Stress, Physiological , Stress, Psychological , Therapeutics , Thinness , Vomiting , Women , Behavior Therapy , Body Image , Body Weight , Food and Nutrition Education , Adaptation, Psychological , Career Mobility , Biological Factors , Anorexia , Gastroesophageal Reflux , Bulimia , Anorexia Nervosa , Crowding , Efficacy , Adolescent , Employment, Supported , Suicide, Assisted , Interview , Compulsive Behavior , Privacy , Feeding and Eating Disorders of Childhood , Counseling , Cultural Characteristics , Death , Depression , Diagnosis , Diet , Diuretics , Educational Status , Environment and Public Health , Renal Insufficiency , Bulimia Nervosa , Laxatives , Family Conflict , Fear , Feeding Behavior , Ideal Body Weight , Binge-Eating Disorder , Pandemics , Social Networking , Patient Care Bundles , Nutritionists , Clinical Study , Perfectionism , Psychosocial Support Systems , Food Addiction , Systematic Review , Sadness , Information Technology Management , Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder , Gastrointestinal Diseases , Psychological Distress , Weight Prejudice , Teleworking , Physical Distancing , Psychotherapists , Orthorexia Nervosa , Social Structure , Sociodemographic Factors , Family Support , Guilt , Health Facility Moving , Learning , Mass Media , Mental Disorders , Neurotic Disorders , Obesity
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1402003


During the COVID-19 pandemic, several late-onset impairments have been observed, affecting the health and functionality of those involved. On the other hand, lower SARS-CoV-2 infection rates and severity of symptoms were observed in high-altitude cities. In this sense, the AEROBICOVID project was developed with the hypothesis that exercise would be an important opportunity for health improvement and that hypoxia would promote additional benefits in the recovery process. The cohort was about 84 participants with approximately 30 days since the COVID-19 symptoms recovery, 25 in the control group, and 59 divided into three moderate physical training groups. The project had good results in teaching, research, and extension, but also faced difficulties in operationalization. This experience is the basis for future proposals through an extension project at the University of São Paulo and in a Family Health Unit, besides a research project that will develop a new low-cost hypoxia technology (AU)

Durante a pandemia de COVID-19 estão sendo observados vários efeitos tardios, afetando a saúde e a funcionalidade dos acometidos. Por outro lado, foram observadas menores taxas de infecção pelo SARS-CoV-2 e gravidade dos sintomas em cidades de elevada altitude. Neste sentido, o projeto AEROBICOVID foi desenvolvido com a hipótese de que o exercício seria uma proposta importante para a melhoria da saúde e que a hipóxia promoveria benefícios adicionais no processo de recuperação. Participaram 84 pessoas com aproximadamente 30 dias desde a recuperação dos sintomas da COVID-19, 25 no grupo de controle e 59 divididos em três grupos de treinamento físico moderado. O projeto teve bons resultados no ensino, pesquisa e extensão, mas também enfrentou dificuldades na operacionalização. Estas experiências são a base para propostas futuras através de um projeto de extensão na Universidade de São Paulo e em uma Unidade de Saúde da Família, além de um projeto de pesquisa que desenvolverá uma nova tecnologia de hipóxia de baixo custo (AU)

Humans , Exercise , Altitude Sickness , Clinical Study , COVID-19/rehabilitation
Ciênc. cuid. saúde ; 21: e59265, 2022. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1384519


RESUMO Objetivo: verificar os fatores de estresse comumente vivenciados por estudantes do curso de Enfermagem na realização de atividades teóricas e práticas da formação acadêmica. Método: estudo descritivo, transversal, desenvolvido com 142 discentes do curso de Enfermagem de uma universidade pública localizada em Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil. Os dados foram coletados em fevereiro de 2020 por meio de questionário sociodemográfico/acadêmico e da escala de Avaliação de Estresse em Estudantes de Enfermagem e, posteriormente, analisados de maneira descritiva, segundo a moda e percentis superiores e inferiores à moda das variáveis. Resultados: medo de cometer erros durante a assistência ao paciente (57,4%), sentimento de ter adquirido pouco conhecimento para fazer provas práticas (52,1%), insegurança ou medo de fazer provas teóricas (44,7%) e obrigatoriedade de realizar trabalhos extraclasse (41,5%) foram fatores que provocaram níveis muito altos de estresse entre os estudantes. Conclusão: os resultados podem auxiliar faculdades de Enfermagem no planejamento e fortalecimento de intervenções preventivas com foco no gerenciamento do estresse e seu enfrentamento.

RESUMEN Objetivo: verificar los factores de estrés comúnmente experimentados por estudiantes del curso de Enfermería en la realización de actividades teóricas y prácticas de la formación académica. Método: estudio descriptivo, transversal, desarrollado con 142 discentes del curso de Enfermería de una universidad pública ubicada en Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil. Los datos fueron recogidos en febrero de 2020 a través de cuestionario sociodemográfico/académico y de la escala de Evaluación de Estrés en Estudiantes de Enfermería y, posteriormente, analizados de manera descriptiva, según la moda y percentiles superiores e inferiores a la moda de las variables. Resultados: miedo de cometer errores durante la atención al paciente (57,4%), sentimiento de haber adquirido poco conocimiento para hacer pruebas prácticas (52,1%), inseguridad o miedo de hacer pruebas teóricas (44,7%) y obligatoriedad de realizar trabajos extraclase (41,5%) fueron factores que provocaron niveles muy altos de estrés entre los estudiantes. Conclusión: los resultados pueden auxiliar facultades de Enfermería en la planificación y fortalecimiento de intervenciones preventivas con enfoque en el manejo del estrés y su enfrentamiento.

ABSTRACT Objective: to verify the stress factors commonly experienced by nursing students in carrying out theoretical and practical activities of academic training. Method: descriptive, cross-sectional study, developed with 142 students of the nursing course of a public university located in Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. Data were collected in February 2020 through a sociodemographic/academic questionnaire and the Stress Assessment scale in Nursing Students and, later, analyzed descriptively, according to fashion and upper and lower percentiles than the fashion of the variables. Results: fear of making mistakes during patient care (57.4%), feeling of having acquired little knowledge to take practical tests (52.1%), insecurity or fear of taking theoretical tests (44.7%) and mandatory to perform extra-class work (41.5%) were factors that caused very high levels of stress among students. Conclusion: the results can help nursing colleges in the planning and strengthening of preventive interventions focused on stress management and coping.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Schools/organization & administration , Stress, Psychological/psychology , Students, Nursing/psychology , Teaching/organization & administration , Emotions , Stress, Psychological/nursing , Adaptation, Psychological , Attitude , Mental Health/education , Cross-Sectional Studies , Knowledge , Education, Nursing, Diploma Programs/methods , Fear/psychology , Clinical Study , Patient Care/methods , Patient Care/psychology , Sociodemographic Factors
Ciênc. cuid. saúde ; 21: e57088, 2022. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1384520


RESUMO Objetivo: descrever o perfil dos pacientes com crise hipertensiva atendidos em uma Unidade de Pronto Atendimento. Método: estudo transversal descritivo, realizado por meio da análise de 80 prontuários de pacientes com quadro de crise hipertensiva, atendidos em uma unidade de pronto atendimento, entre o período de março de 2018 a fevereiro de 2019. Os dados foram coletados por meio de roteiro estruturado e receberam tratamento estatístico descritivo. Resultados: Após a análise dos 80 prontuários, constatou-se que a média de idade entre os pacientes atendidos foi de 58,03, sendo a faixa etária adulta a mais prevalente (53,8%). Constatou-se que a média da pressão arterial sistólica foi significativamente maior em homens em relação às mulheres (p=0,013). Quanto à sintomatologia, a cefaleia foi a mais prevalente, com 35,0%. Verificou-se que durante o atendimento da crise hipertensiva, a maioria dos pacientes fez uso de apenas uma droga para redução da PA, sendo o inibidor adrenérgico de ação central o mais citado. Quanto ao desfecho, grande parte dos pacientes recebeu alta (93,8%) logo após o atendimento, porém, 6,3% permaneceram em internamento de curta permanência até a estabilização do quadro. Considerações finais: Este estudo possibilitou a caracterização da população com crise hipertensiva atendida em um pronto atendimento, a qual evidencia uma possível fragilidade existente entre a articulação dos níveis de atenção à saúde.

RESUMEN Objetivo: describir el perfil de los pacientes con crisis hipertensiva atendidos en una Unidad de Pronta Atención. Método: estudio transversal descriptivo, realizado por medio del análisis de 80 registros médicos de pacientes con cuadro de crisis hipertensiva, atendidos en una unidad de pronta atención, entre el período de marzo de 2018 a febrero de 2019. Los datos fueron recogidos por medio de guion estructurado y recibieron tratamiento estadístico descriptivo. Resultados: después del análisis de los 80 registros médicos, se constató que el promedio de edad entre los pacientes atendidos fue de 58,03, siendo la franja etaria adulta la más prevalente (53,8%). Se constató que el promedio de la presión arterial sistólica fue significativamente mayor en hombres que en las mujeres (p=0,013). En cuanto a la sintomatología, la cefalea fue la más prevalente, con 35,0%. Se verificó que, durante la atención de la crisis hipertensiva, la mayoría de los pacientes hizo uso de solo una droga para reducción de la PA, siendo el inhibidor adrenérgico de acción central el más relatado. Respecto al resultado, gran parte de los pacientes recibió el alta (93,8%) inmediatamente después de la atención, sin embargo, el 6,3% permaneció en internamiento de corta estancia hasta la estabilización del cuadro. Consideraciones finales: este estudio posibilitó la caracterización de la población con crisis hipertensiva atendida en una pronta atención, la cual evidencia una posible fragilidad existente entre la articulación de los niveles de atención a la salud.

ABSTRACT Objective: to describe the profile of patients with hypertensive crisis treated at an Emergency Care Unit. Method: descriptive cross-sectional study carried out through the analysis of 80 medical records of patients with hypertensive crisis, treated at an emergency care unit, between March 2018 and February 2019. Data were collected using a structured script and were subjected to descriptive statistical treatment. Results: after analyzing the 80 medical records, it was found that the mean age of the treated patients was 58.03, with the adult age group being the most prevalent (53.8%). It was found that the mean systolic blood pressure was significantly higher in men than in women (p=0.013). As for symptoms, headache was the most prevalent, with 35.0%. It was found that during the treatment of the hypertensive crisis, most patients used only one drug to reduce BP, with centrally acting antiadrenergic drugs being the most cited. Regarding the outcome, most of the patients were discharged (93.8%) soon after treatment; however, 6.3% remained in short-term hospitalization until their condition stabilized. Final considerations: this study made it possible to characterize the population with hypertensive crisis treated in an emergency room, showing a possible fragility in the articulation between health care levell

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Patients/psychology , Health Profile , Emergency Medical Services/statistics & numerical data , Emergency Service, Hospital/statistics & numerical data , Hypertension/diagnosis , Hypertension/drug therapy , Medical Records/statistics & numerical data , Cross-Sectional Studies/methods , Nursing/statistics & numerical data , Delivery of Health Care/statistics & numerical data , Emergency Service, Hospital/standards , Arterial Pressure , Arterial Pressure/drug effects , Clinical Study , Hospitals, Packaged/statistics & numerical data , Hypertension/nursing , Hypertension/epidemiology
Rev. Ciênc. Méd. Biol. (Impr.) ; 20(1): 95-100, maio 5, 2021. tab, ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1354841


Objetivo: analisar os efeitos do método Pilates sobre a força muscular respiratória em crianças com sintomas de asma. Metodologia: nesse estudo clínico foram avaliadas 17 crianças em idade escolar (09 a 12 anos), de ambos os sexos. Inicialmente responderam ao questionário International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC), que avalia a prevalência de asma e doenças alérgicas em crianças e adolescentes. Assim, aquelas que obtiveram uma pontuação no ISAAC, com nota de corte igual ou superior a 5, foram incluídas no estudo. Após as crianças realizarem uma avaliação através do manovacuômetro, a fim de mensurar as pressões respiratórias máximas (PImáx e PEmáx) foi realizada uma avaliação antropométrica para verificar a massa corporal e a estatura. Como intervenção, as crianças participaram de um programa de exercícios com base no método Pilates 2 vezes por semana, com duração aproximada de 50 minutos cada sessão, durante 8 meses, totalizando 32 semanas. Resultados: Em relação às pressões, tanto a PImáx quanto a PEmáx aumentaram pós-intervenção. Conclusão: o estudo encontrou contribuições significativas do método Pilates sobre a força muscular respiratória (PImáx e PEmáx) de crianças com sintomas de asma. Desta forma, sugere-se que o método representa uma ferramenta importante para melhorar a força muscular respiratória dessa população.

Objective: To analyze the effects of the Pilates method on respiratory muscle function in children with asthma symptoms. Methods: in this clinical study, a sample of school-age children (9 to 12 years old) of both sexes was included. Initially, the children answered the questionnaire International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC). Thus, those who scored 5 or more were included in the study. Subsequent to this initial screening, the children performed an evaluation of respiratory muscle strength through the digital manovacuometer in order to measure the maximum respiratory pressures (MIP and MEP). An anthropometric assessment was also performed to verify body mass and height. The children participated in an exercise program based on the Pilates method, being performed twice a week, lasting about 50 minutes each session, for 8 months, totaling 32 weeks. Results: regarding the pressures, both inspiratory and expiratory pressure increased at the end of the intervention. Conclusion: the present study found significant contributions of the Pilates method in the inspiratory muscle strength of children with asthma symptoms. Thus, it is suggested that the method represents an important tool to improve the muscular strength of these children.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Asthma , Child , Physical Therapy Modalities , Exercise Movement Techniques , Muscle Strength , Lung Diseases , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Evaluation Studies as Topic , Clinical Study
J. Health Biol. Sci. (Online) ; 9(1): 1-7, 2021. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1362963


Objective: When provisional acrylic crowns are used for a long time, they become more susceptible to marginal leakage by cariogenic bacteria. The objectives of this pilot clinical study were to compare cement based on zinc oxide-eugenol and calcium hydroxide by contamination with Streptococcus mutans, and calculate the sample size for the continuation of this study. Methods: Individuals receiving provisional crowns and following inclusion/exclusion criteria, were randomly distributed into 2 groups: zinc oxide-eugenol (n=8); calcium hydroxide (n=9). The temporary crowns were made by a blind researcher and cemented by another. Patients were also blinded by the cement used inside their crowns. After 2 months, a cement sample from the crowns' peripheral inner face was collected, placed in a tube containing 1 mL of sterile saline, serially diluted, plated on Mitis Salivarius Bacitracin agar, and incubated for 48 hours. Colony-forming units (CFU/mL) were counted. A statistical power analysis was performed to calculate sample size (1-ß=80%) and the Mann Whitney test to compare both cements (α=0.05). Results: Both cements were contaminated with S. mutans, with an average of 166.6 x 102 CFU/mL for calcium hydroxide and 435.3 x 102 CFU/mL for zinc oxide-eugenol, with no significant difference (p=0.311). The sample size calculated for this study was 36 per group. Conclusion: This pilot study suggests that there is important contamination inside provisional crowns used for two months, independent of the cement. The continuation of this study is needed, with a bigger sample size, to enable a comparison between the cements.

Objetivo: Quando coroas dentais provisórias são utilizadas por um longo período, elas se tornam susceptíveis à infiltração marginal por bactérias cariogênicas. O objetivo deste estudo clínico piloto foi comparar os cimentos a base de óxido de zinco e eugenol e hidróxido de cálcio pela contaminação com Streptococcus mutans e calcular o tamanho amostral para continuação deste estudo. Métodos: Indivíduos recebendo coroas provisórias e seguindo critérios de inclusão/exclusão, foram distribuídos aleatoriamente em dois grupos: óxido de zinco e eugenol (n=8); hidróxido de cálcio (n=9). As coroas provisórias foram feitas por um pesquisador cego e cimentadas por outro. Os pacientes também foram cegos quanto ao cimento utilizado dentro de suas coroas. Depois de 2 meses, amostras de cimentos foram coletadas da face interna periférica das coroas, colocadas em um tubo contendo 1 mL de solução salina estéril, diluídas de forma seriada, plaqueadas em ágar Mitis Salivarius Bacitracina e incubadas por 48 horas. Unidades formadoras de colônias (UFC/mL) foram contadas. Um teste de poder estatístico foi realizado para calcular o tamanho amostral (1-ß=80%) e o teste de Mann Whitney para comparar os dois cimentos (α=0.05). Resultados: Os dois cimentos foram contaminados com S. mutans, com uma média de 166.6 x 102 UFC/mL para o hidróxido de cálcio e 435.3 x 102 UFC/mL para o óxido de zinco e eugenol, com nenhuma diferença significativa (p=0.311). O cálculo amostral para este estudo foi 36 indivíduos por grupo. Conclusão: Este estudo piloto sugere que existe importante contaminação dentro de coroas provisórias utilizadas por 2 meses, independente do cimento. A continuação deste estudo é necessária, com maior tamanho amostral, para possibilitar a comparação entre os cimentos.

Streptococcus mutans , Dental Leakage , Zinc Oxide-Eugenol Cement , Calcium Hydroxide , Eugenol , Dental Prosthesis , Tooth Crown , Crowns , Dental Cements , Denture, Partial, Fixed , Clinical Study
Rev. bras. cir. plást ; 35(2): 243-248, apr.-jun. 2020. ilus
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1103839


A pele de tilápia possui microbiota não infecciosa e estrutura morfológica semelhante à pele humana. Estudos clínicos fase II, ainda não publicados, mostraram resultados promissores na sua utilização para tratamento de queimaduras. Nos protocolos destes estudos, pacientes com lesões em áreas de dobras de pele, como genitais e região inguinal, foram excluídos, pois achava-se que o biomaterial não aderiria apropriadamente, resultando em um grau de cicatrização inferior. Relato de caso de paciente do sexo feminino, 18 anos, sem comorbidades, com queimaduras de segundo grau profundo em abdômen, região inguinal, parte da genitália e metade superior de ambas as coxas, envolvendo 13,5% da área total da superfície corporal. A pele de tilápia foi aplicada nas lesões levando a uma reepitelização completa com 16 dias de tratamento. Não foram observados efeitos colaterais. A pele de tilápia traz, portanto, a promessa de um produto inovador, de fácil aplicação e alta disponibilidade, que pode se tornar a primeira pele animal nacionalmente estudada e registrada pela Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária, para uso no tratamento de queimaduras. Este relato de caso contribui para reduzir as limitações em relação às áreas anatômicas apropriadas para a aplicação da pele de tilápia, uma vez que, mesmo com a necessidade de reposição de pele, foram obtidos bons resultados com aplicação na genitália e região inguinal.

Tilapia skin has a non-infectious microbiota and a morphological structure similar to human skin. Phase II clinical studies, not yet published, have shown promising results in their use for the treatment of burns. In the protocols of these studies, patients with lesions in areas of skin folds, such as genitals and inguinal regions, were excluded, as it was thought that the biomaterial would not adhere properly, resulting in a lower degree of healing. Case report of a female patient, 18 years old, without comorbidities, with deep second-degree burns in the abdomen, inguinal region, part of the genitalia and upper half of both thighs, involving 13.5% of the total body surface area. Tilapia skin was applied to the lesions leading to a complete re-epithelialization with 16 days of treatment. No side effects were observed. Tilapia skin, therefore, brings the promise of an innovative product, easy to apply, and highly available, which can become the first animal skin nationally studied and registered by the Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária, for use in the treatment of burns. This case report contributes to reduce the limitations concerning the anatomical areas appropriate for the application of tilapia skin, since, even with the need for skin replacement, good results were obtained with application to the genitalia and inguinal region.

Humans , Female , Adolescent , History, 21st Century , Therapeutics , Transplantation, Autologous , Biological Dressings , Burns , Case Reports , Therapeutic Approaches , Tilapia , Cichlids , Abdomen , Clinical Study , Genitalia , Hip , Therapeutics/methods , Transplantation, Autologous/methods , Transplantation, Autologous/rehabilitation , Biological Dressings/standards , Burns/therapy , Therapeutic Approaches/adverse effects , Therapeutic Approaches/standards , Tilapia/anatomy & histology , Cichlids/anatomy & histology , Genitalia/anatomy & histology , Abdomen/anatomy & histology , Hip/anatomy & histology
ARS med. (Santiago, En línea) ; 45(2): 33-37, jun 23, 2020.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1223956


El nitrito de amilo, conocida como "poppers", se ha masificado como droga recreacional en parte por sus efectos con objetivos sexuales. Su consumo se asocia a complicaciones psiquiátricas y médicas. Reportamos el caso de un paciente que se presenta con metahemog-lobinemia moderada secundaria a la inhalación de nitrito de amilo asociado a alcohol. Al ingreso presenta cianosis peribucal y en extremidades, disociación entre oximetría de pulso y presión parcial de oxígeno en gases arteriales, además de metahemoglobinemia 29,9%. Se descartan otras intoxicaciones y causas primarias de metahemoglobinemia. Se maneja con oxigenoterapia, hidratación y ácido ascórbico, presentando una evolución favorable. Presentamos el primer caso en Chile de metahemoglobinemia secundaria al consumo de nitrito de amilo con fines recreativos.

Amyl nitrite, known as "poppers", has become popular as a recreational drug for sexual purposes. Its consumption is associated with psychiatric and medical complications. We report the case of a patient presenting with moderate methemoglobinemia secondary to amyl nitrite inhalation associated with alcohol. At admission, perioral and extremities cyanosis, a dissociation between pulse oximetry and partial pressure of oxygen in arterial gases, and methemoglobinemia 29.9% were present. Other intoxications and primary causes of methemoglobinemia were ruled out. The patient receives oxygen therapy, hydration, and ascorbic acid, presenting a favorable evolution. We report the first Chilean's case of methemoglobinemia secondary to amyl nitrite consumption for recreational purposes

Humans , Male , Adult , Amyl Nitrite , Recreational Drug Use , Methemoglobinemia , Partial Pressure , Patients , Oximetry , HIV , Cyanosis , Clinical Study
Pan Afr. med. j ; 35(2)2020.
Article in French | AIM | ID: biblio-1268650


Introduction: the global spread of COVID-19 remains unabated in the past few months with a rise in the number of available literature on the novel virus. There are very few paediatric studies and are mainly from developed countries with a paucity of information on the clinical manifestation of COVID-19 disease in African children, including Nigeria. Methods: we described the clinical presentation, laboratory findings, treatment and outcome in a group of five Nigerian children managed at a COVID-19 isolation and treatment centre in Nigeria. Results: we managed a total of five children with an age range of 3 months to 8 years in the last four weeks (16th April to 15th May 2020). Three of the five children were males. All the children had close contact with family members that tested positive for COVID-19. Out of the five children, one had moderate disease, three had mild symptomatic disease, and one was asymptomatic. Two out of the five children had lymphocytosis. Out of the four children who had chest radiograph, two had features of pneumonia. Conclusion: COVID-19 is not uncommon in Nigerian children, and all had a confirmed family member with COVID-19. Besides, contrary to leucopaenia with lymphopaenia observed in the adult's population, we found lymphocytosis in this cohort and about 50.0% had pneumonic changes on chest radiograph

COVID-19 , Child Health , Clinical Laboratory Services , Clinical Study , Laboratories , Nigeria
Article in French | AIM | ID: biblio-1264301


Au Mali, le fonctionnement des centres de santé communautaire (CSCOM) est assuré par l'association de santé communautaire (ASACO).L'objectif de l'étude était d'évaluer l'ASACO de Konobougou sur le principe de gestion du CSCOM universitaire, afin d'améliorer les connaissances,aptitudes et pratiques sur la gestion communautaire.Méthodologie : Il s'agissait d'une étude de rechercheaction participative au centre de santé communautaire et universitaire de Konobougou dans la Région de Ségou en 2017 allant de juillet à octobre. Ont participé à cette étude 219 personnes réparties comme suit :200 usagers du centre de santé, 5 agents de santé, 11 membres de l'ASACO et 3 élus communaux.Résultat : Les organes de gestion de l'ASACOexistaient et fonctionnaient. Par contre le comité de surveillance n'était pas fonctionnel, il l'est devenu après le plan d'action. La connaissance de la population sur l'existence de la carte de membre était 32% à l'évaluation initiale contre 82% après le plan d'actions à l'évaluation secondaire. Les membres de l'ASACOqui ne connaissaient pas l'organe de contrôle interne et externe étaient respectivement 37,5% et 25% avant le plan d'action contre 0% à l'évaluation finale.Conclusion : L'ASACO possède des outils sur le principe de gestion des CSCOM. La formation continue permettrait de renforcer sa capacité sur le bon fonctionnement des CSCOM

Clinical Study , Combined Modality Therapy , Mali
Journal of Dental Anesthesia and Pain Medicine ; : 29-37, 2020.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-811205


BACKGROUND: This study evaluated the efficacy of three intraoral topical anesthetics in reducing the injection needle prick pain from local anesthetic among children aged 7–11 years old.METHODS: It is a prospective, Interventional, parallel design, single-blind, randomized clinical trial in which subjects (n=90) aged 7–11 years were included in the study based on an inclusion criteria. Subjects were divided into three groups based on computer-generated randomization with an allocation ratio of 1:1:1. Groups A, B, and C received benzocaine 20% jelly (Mucopain gel, ICPA health products Ltd, Ankleshwar, India), cetacaine anesthetic liquid (Cetylite Industries, Inc, Pennsauken, NJ), and EMLA cream (2% AstraZeneca UK Ltd, Luton, UK), respectively, according to manufacturer's instructions, for 1 minute prior to local anesthetic injection. After application of topical anesthetic agent, for all the groups, baseline pre-operative (prior to topical anesthetic administration) and post-operative scores (after local anesthetic administration) of pulse rate was recorded using Pulse oximeter (Gibson, Fingertip Pulse Oximeter, MD300C29, Beijing Choice Electronic). Peri-operative (i.e., during the administration of local anesthesia) scores were recorded using Face, Legs, Activity, Cry, Consolability (FLACC) Scale, Modified Children hospital of Eastern Ontario Pain Scale (CPS) behavior rating scale, and Faces Pain Scale (FPS-R) – Revised (For self-reported pain). Direct self-reported and physiological measures were ascertained using FPS-R – Revised and Pulse oximeter, respectively, whereas CPS and FLACC scales assessed behavioral measures. To test the mean difference between the three groups, a one way ANOVA with post hoc tests was used. For statistical significance, a two-tailed probability value of P < 0.05 was considered as significant.RESULTS: The Cetacaine group had significantly lower pain scores for self-report (P < 0.001), behavioral, and physiological measures (P < 0.001) than the other two groups. However, there was no significant difference between the Benzocaine group and EMLA group during palatal injection prick.CONCLUSION: Cetacaine can be considered as an effective topical anesthetic agent compared to benzocaine 20% jelly (Mucopain gel) and EMLA cream.

Child , Humans , Anesthetics , Behavior Rating Scale , Beijing , Benzocaine , Clinical Study , Heart Rate , Leg , Needles , Ontario , Palate , Prospective Studies , Random Allocation , Weights and Measures
Clinics in Orthopedic Surgery ; : 22-28, 2020.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-811127


BACKGROUND: We hypothesized that volar locking pate fixation using a minimum number of screws—four in the distal row and two in the shaft of the plate—will provide sufficient stability for unstable extra-articular fractures of the distal radius. We aimed to compare the biomechanical properties of different numbers and locations of screws in volar locking plate fixation and describe the clinical and radiological outcome of plate fixation using a minimum number of screws for distal radius fractures.METHODS: We divided 48 artificial radius fracture bones into four groups (group A–D) based on the number and location of screws used for fixation with volar locking plates. The artificial bone models were subjected to axial compression and volar bending load with a force of 250 N and 80 N, respectively, for 1,000 cycles at a frequency of 1 Hz. We also retrospectively reviewed 42 patients with unstable, extra-articular, distal radius fractures who were treated with volar locking plate fixation using a minimum number of screws.RESULTS: Group A (seven distal screws and three proximal screws) had the highest mean stiffness: 303.7 N/mm under axial compression and 61.1 N/mm under volar bending. Compared with group A, group D (four screws in the distal part and two screws in the shaft) showed significantly lower stiffness; therefore, group D was considered inferior in terms of stability. However, in the fatigue test, neither deformation of the metal plate nor detachment or breakage of the metal screws was observed in all groups. In the clinical study, all fractures united without displacement and satisfactory clinical outcome was obtained.CONCLUSIONS: In the dorsally comminuted, extra-articular, nonosteoporotic distal radius fractures, the minimum number of screws—four in the distal row and two in the shaft—in volar locking plate fixation can provide sufficient stability. Further biomechanical studies involving osteoporotic bone will be necessary to confirm the results because volar plate fixation is most commonly used in patients with osteoporosis.

Humans , Bone Screws , Clinical Study , Fatigue , Osteoporosis , Palmar Plate , Radius Fractures , Radius , Retrospective Studies
Asia Pacific Allergy ; (4): 9-2020.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-785456


BACKGROUND: Recently, the prevalence of food allergies during childhood is increasing, with fruits being common allergens. However, data on allergens that cause fruit and vegetable allergies and pollen-food allergy syndrome (PFAS) in childhood are relatively few. This study aimed to examine the allergens in fruit and vegetable allergies in pediatric patients and to determine the association between fruit and vegetable allergies and PFAS.OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to examine the current status of fruit and vegetable allergies in Japanese children.METHODS: This was a multicenter case series observational study. The participants included children aged <15 years who developed allergic symptoms after eating fruits and vegetables and subsequently received treatment in the Pediatric Department of 6 hospitals in the Osaka Prefecture in Japan during the study period from August 2016 to July 2017. Participants' information was obtained using a questionnaire, and data were obtained by performing several types of allergy tests using blood samples.RESULTS: A total of 97 children (median age, 9 years; 56 males) were included in the study. Apple was the most common allergen, followed by peach, kiwi, cantaloupe, and watermelon. A total of 74 participants (76%) exhibited allergic symptoms due to PFAS; moreover, pathogenesis-related protein-10 (PR-10) was the most common allergen superfamily. On the contrary, in the group where neither PR-10 nor profilin was sensitized, kiwi and banana were the most common allergens, and the age of onset was lower than that in the PFAS group. Specific antibody titer was significantly associated with Birch for Bet v1 and latex for Bet v2 (r = 0.99 and r = 0.89).CONCLUSION: When we examine patients with fruit and vegetable allergies, we should first consider PFAS even in childhood specifically for children greater than 4 years old.

Child , Humans , Age of Onset , Allergens , Asian People , Betula , Citrullus , Clinical Study , Cucumis melo , Eating , Food Hypersensitivity , Fruit , Hypersensitivity , Japan , Latex , Musa , Observational Study , Prevalence , Profilins , Prunus persica , Rhinitis , Rhinitis, Allergic, Seasonal , Vegetables
Int. arch. otorhinolaryngol. (Impr.) ; 23(3): 276-280, July-Sept. 2019. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1040023


Abstract Introduction Even people with normal hearing may have difficulties locating a sound source in unfavorable sound environments where competitive noise is intense. Objective To develop, describe, validate and establish the normality curve of the sound localization test. Method The sample consisted of 100 healthy subjects with normal hearing, > 18 years old,who agreed to participate in the study. The sound localization testwas applied after the subjects underwent a tonal audiometry exam. For this purpose, a calibrated free field test environment was set up. Then, 30 randompure tones were presented in 2 speakers placed at 45° (on the right and on the left sides of the subject), and the noise was presented froma 3rd speaker, placed at 180°. The noise was presented in 3 hearing situations: optimal listening condition (no noise), noise in relation to 0 dB, and noise in relation to - 10 dB. The subject was asked to point out the side where the pure tone was being perceived, even in the presence of noise. Results All of the 100 participants performed the test in an average time of 99 seconds. The average score was 21, the medium score was 23, and the standard deviation was 3.05. Conclusion The sound localization test proved to be easy to set-up and to apply. The results obtained in the validation of the test suggest that individuals with normal hearing should locate 70% of the presented stimuli. The test can constitute an important instrument in the measurement of noise interference in the ability to locate the sound.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Sound Localization/physiology , Hearing/physiology , Noise , Auditory Threshold/physiology , Reproducibility of Results , Clinical Study , Hearing Tests
Psicol. teor. prát ; 21(1): 297-311, jan.-abr. 2019. ilus
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1002933


This study aimed to discuss the use of artistic-expressive resources in the psychoanalytic psychotherapy of couples and families through a theoretical-clinical study based on the clinical-qualitative method. The family secret consists of a message that cannot circulate freely in the family because it is associated with a traumatic or shameful situation experienced by one of the members of the family, with its disclosure possibly putting the maintenance of the family bonds at risk. Therefore, this defense mechanism of the family dynamic is implicated as one of the leading causes of couples and families withdrawing from psychotherapy. For the discussion, clinical vignettes of a case attended at a psychology school-service of a public university were used. It was observed that the use of artistic-expressive resources favored the emergence of unconscious contents and the development of the therapeutic process.

Objetivou-se discutir o uso de recursos artísticos-expressivos na psicoterapia psicanalítica de casal e família por meio de um estudo teórico-clínico pautado no método clínico-qualitativo. O segredo familiar consiste em uma mensagem que não pode circular livremente na família por estar associado a uma situação traumática ou vergonhosa vivenciada por um dos membros da família, com sua revelação podendo colocar em risco a manutenção dos vínculos familiares. Sendo assim, tal mecanismo de defesa da dinâmica familiar implica uma das principais causas de desistência da psicoterapia por parte de casais e famílias. Para a discussão, foram utilizadas vinhetas clínicas de um caso atendido em um serviço-escola de psicologia de uma universidade pública. Observou-se que o uso de recursos artísticos-expressivos favoreceu a emergência de conteúdos inconscientes e o desenvolvimento do processo terapêutico.

Se objetivó discutir el uso de recursos artísticos-expresivos en la psicoterapia psicoanalítica de pareja y familia por medio de un estudio teórico-clínico pautado en el método clínico-cualitativo. El secreto familiar consiste en un mensaje que no puede circular libremente en la familia por estar asociado a una situación traumática o vergonzosa vivida por uno de los miembros de la familia, con su revelación pudiendo poner en riesgo el mantenimiento de los vínculos familiares. Siendo así, este mecanismo de defensa de la dinámica familiar implica una de las principales causas de desistimiento de la psicoterapia por parte de parejas y familias. Para la discusión, se utilizaron viñetas clínicas de un caso atendido en un servicio-escuela de psicología de una universidad pública. Se observó que el uso de recursos artístico-expresivos favoreció la emergencia de contenidos inconscientes y el desarrollo del proceso terapéutico.

Humans , Art Therapy , Psychoanalysis , Psychotherapy , Family Therapy , Clinical Study , Couples Therapy , Exercise Therapy , Grounded Theory
Diabetes & Metabolism Journal ; : 49-58, 2019.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-739795


BACKGROUND: The prevalence of diabetes mellitus (DM) continues to increase, and the disease burden is the highest of any medical condition in Korea. However, large-scale clinical studies have not yet conducted to establish the basis for diabetes prevention in Korea. METHODS: The hospital-based Korean Diabetes Prevention Study (H-KDPS) is a prospective, multi-center, randomized, open-label controlled study conducted at university hospitals for the purpose of gathering data to help in efforts to prevent type 2 DM. Ten university hospitals are participating, and 744 subjects will be recruited. The subjects are randomly assigned to the standard care group, lifestyle modification group, or metformin group, and their clinical course will be observed for 36 months. RESULTS: All intervention methodologies were developed, validated, and approved by Korean Diabetes Association (KDA) multi-disciplinary team members. The standard control group will engage in individual education based on the current KDA guidelines, and the lifestyle modification group will participate in a professionally guided healthcare intervention aiming for ≥5% weight loss. The metformin group will begin dosing at 250 mg/day, increasing to a maximum of 1,000 mg/day. The primary endpoint of this study is the cumulative incidence of DM during the 3 years after randomization. CONCLUSION: The H-KDPS study is the first large-scale clinical study to establish evidence-based interventions for the prevention of type 2 DM in Koreans. The evidence gathered by this study will be useful for enhancing the health of Koreans and improving the stability of the Korean healthcare system (Trial registration: CRIS KCT0002260, NCT02981121).

Clinical Study , Delivery of Health Care , Diabetes Mellitus , Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 , Early Intervention, Educational , Education , Hospitals, University , Incidence , Korea , Life Style , Metformin , Prediabetic State , Prevalence , Primary Prevention , Prospective Studies , Random Allocation , Risk Reduction Behavior , Weight Loss
INSPILIP ; 3(1): 1-12, 20190000.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1015622


Introducción:La cirrosis hepática constituye una patología muy frecuente en nuestro medio. Los datos epidemiológicos en Ecuador son escasos, lo cualdificulta promover medidas de prevención y tratamientoadecuadas;además,existe un acceso limitado a terapias específicas,como el trasplante hepático.Objetivo: Determinarlas características sociodemográficas, etiología y complicaciones de los pacientes cirróticos, atendidos enelservicio de Gastroenterología del Hospital Eugenio Espejo, durante el año 2018. Materiales y métodos:Estudio descriptivo -transversal, realizado en 94 pacientes adultos con diagnóstico de cirrosisdurante el año 2018.Resultados:La principal causa de cirrosis es la esteatosishepáticano alcohólica(29%);superando al alcohol ya las etiologías virales.El grupo etario más frecuente es el comprendido entre los 36 a 64 años (57%).El estadio más frecuente fueChild B(46%) y el estadio clínico 4 (38%). La complicación más frecuentefuela ascitis(72%).Conclusiones:La esteatosis hepática no alcohólicaha desplazado a las demáscausasde cirrosis;por lo tanto, es primordial realizar programas para el manejo del síndrome metabólico, así como un fácil acceso a la atención por un especialista en Gastroenterología o Hepatología.

Introduction: Liver cirrhosis is a very common pathology in our environment. Epidemiological data in Ecuador are limited, which makes it difficult to promote adequate prevention and treatment measures; in addition, there is limited access to specific therapies, such as liver transplantation. Objective: we sought to determine the sociodemographic characteristics, etiology and complications of cirrhotic patients, treated in the gastroenterology service of the Eugenio Espejo Hospital, during 2018. Material and Methods: descriptive cross-sectional study, carried out in 94 patients, Results: we found that the main cause of cirrhosis is non-alcoholic hepatic steatosis (29%); overcoming alcohol and viral etiologies. The most frequent age group is between 36 and 64 years old (57%). The most frequent stage was Child B (46%) and clinicalstage 4 (38%). The most frequent complication was ascites (72%).Conclusions:Non-alcoholic hepatic steatosis has displaced the other causes of cirrhosis; therefore, it is essential to carry out programs for the management of the metabolic syndrome, as well as easy access to care by a specialist in gastroenterology or hepatology.

Humans , Therapeutics , Transplantation , Environmental Chemistry , Clinical Study , Gastroenterology
Odontología (Ecuad.) ; 21(1): 56-68, 2019.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1049662


Objetivo: revisar sistemáticamente en la literatura tasa de supervivencia de los implantes de circonio y aleación de titanio y circonio (Ti-Zr). Métodos: los estudios clínicos de las bases de datos Pubmed, Embase y Cochrane fueron selecciona-dos por tres investigadores con criterios de inclusión: implantes de aleación de circonia o Ti-Zr, con un mínimo de un año de seguimiento evaluando las tasas de supervivencia y criterios de exclusión: laboratorio, Cigomáticos y pacientes con enfermedades sistémicas. El acuerdo entre los examinadores se evaluó mediante la prueba estadística Kappa. Realizamos un análisis de heterogeneidad i2, un modelo de efectos aleatorios y fijos que utiliza las tasas de supervivencia de ambos tipos de implantes y el análisis del riesgo de sesgo (bias). Resultados: se encontraron 1755 artículos de la búsqueda inicial y se incluyeron 23 estudios. El acuerdo entre examinadores de la prueba kappa fue del 72%. La tasa de supervivencia de la aleación de titanio y la aleación de circonia fue del 97% y del 90.3% para los implantes de circonio. En ambos tipos de modelos, la tasa de supervivencia del tipo de implante TiZr fue ligeramente superior a la de los otros tipos de implantes y el intervalo de confianza del 95%. El análisis del riesgo de sesgo mostró bajo riesgo. Conclusión: Los datos obtenidos en este estudio muestran que los implantes de aleación TiZr e Zr presentaron altas tasas de supervivencia, aún así, se necesitan estudios clínicos con un seguimiento más prolongado para respaldar el uso de los implantes Zr.

Objective: to systematically review in dental literature the survival rate of Zirconium and titanium zirconium alloy (Ti-Zr) implants. Methods: Clinical studies from the Pubmed, Embase and Cochrane databases, were selected by three researchers with inclusion criteria: Zirconia or Ti-Zr alloy implants, with a minimum of 1 year of follow-up evaluating survival rates, and exclusion criteria: laboratory, zygomatic and patients with systemic diseases. The agreement between the examiners was evaluated using the Kappa statistical test. We perform an i2 heterogeneity analysis, a random and fixed effect model using survival rates of both types of implants and Cochrane risk of bias tool. Results: 1755 articles were found from the ini-tial search and 23 studies were included. Inter examiner agreement of kappa test was 72%. The survival rate of the titanium alloy and zirconia alloy was 97% and 90.3% for zirconia implants. In both types of models, the survival rate of the TiZr implant type was slightly higher than the other types of implants, and the 95% confidence interval. Analysis of risk of bias showed low risk. Conclusion: The data obtained in this study shows that TiZr alloy Zr implants presented high survival rates, furthermore clinical studies with longer follow-up are necessary to support the use of Zr implants.

Objetivo: revisar sistematicamente, na literatura odontológica, a taxa de sobrevida de implantes de zircônio e ligas de titânio-zircônio (Ti-Zr). Métodos: Estudos clínicos das bases de dados Pubmed, Embase e Cochrane foram selecionados por três pesquisadores com critérios de inclusão: implantes de zircônia ou Ti-Zr, com um mínimo de 1 ano de seguimento, avaliando taxas de sobrevida e critérios de exclusão: laboratório, zigomático e pacientes com doenças sistêmicas. A concor-dância entre os examinadores foi avaliada pelo teste estatístico Kappa. Realizamos uma análise de heterogeneidade i2, um modelo de efeito aleatório e fixo usando as taxas de sobrevivência de ambos os tipos de implantes e a ferramenta de risco de viés da Cochrane. Resultados: 1755 artigos foram encontrados na busca inicial e 23 estudos foram incluídos. A concordân-cia entre examinadores do teste kappa foi de 72%. A taxa de sobrevida da liga de Ti-Zr foi 97% e 90,3% para implantes de zircônia. Em ambos os tipos de modelos, a taxa de sobrevivência do tipo de implante TiZr foi ligeiramente superior aos de Zr com um intervalo de confiança de 95%. A análise do risco de viés foi baixo. Conclusão: Os dados obtidos neste estudo mostram que os implantes de liga TiZr e Zr apresentaram altas taxas de sobrevivência, porém estudos clínicos com maior tempo de seguimento são necessários para apoiar o uso de implantes de Zr.

Titanium , Zirconium , Dental Implants , Survival Rate , Risk Assessment , Clinical Study